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Sew & Tell Throwback: Sewing Body Positive — Episode 19

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We’re resurfacing our favorite past episodes in between releases to highlight topics you might have missed! Our conversation from 2019 about embracing the unique shape of our own bodies feels as relevant as ever, and we hope you’ll answer the Sew & Tell question about how sewing has changed your relationship with your body.

|Sponsored| Has sewing changed your relationship with your body? Join the hosts for a discussion on how sewing has impacted how they feel about their body, then listen to an inspired interview with My Body Model app founder Erica Schmitz about the power of seeing your body represented. Amanda, Kate and Meg delve into how sewing for yourself allows you to learn about and embrace your own unique shape and sew body positive.

Originally published 8/7/2019. Now available on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and wherever you get your podcasts. Please subscribe and leave us a review if you love Sew & Tell so we can grow our sewing family even larger.

Episode Summary

  • Welcome
  • Discussion Segment: Body Positivity
  • Interview: Erica Schmitz of
  • SewJo: What’s giving us our sewing mojo this week
  • Sew & Tell

Sew & Tell:

Answers to last episode’s question: Have you or do you plan to sew your own swimwear?
This episode’s question: How has sewing helped you embrace your body?

Related Links:

Ongoing Sewing Pun Tally:

Meg: 4
Amanda: 2
Kate: 3

Other Notes

One of Kate’s Vienna sketches on her My Body Model Croquis
Kate’s embroidered canvas and cork purse. (Tragedy! I can’t find the tassel cap and so I couldn’t make a cork tassel)
Some of Meg’s spandex makes including leggings and a dress — her previous practice of making all those leggings transferred into many different tight and bright garments!

In this episode we asked you:

“How has sewing helped you embrace your body?”

Leave your answers in the comments below!

Note: By answering our Sew & Tell question, you are giving us permission to read your answer in an upcoming episode.

Find us on Instagram: @sewandtellpod 

Email us: sewandtellpodcast[@]

Sponsored by BERNINA.

Originally published 8/7/2019. Updated 4/26/2021.

Sew for Your Body

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